Crafting a Short Story Course

  • DATE

    10 January 2024

  • TIME

    6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

  • AGES




This is a 4 session in-person short story course running from January to March 2024.

Over the course of four sessions we will discuss work you have already written, with a focus on how to edit and improve your words in a way that retains your artistic integrity and individual voice. We will consider how your short stories can become a collection and work together to identify any gaps or areas for consideration. Alongside this writing focus, you will also be given advice and insight into submitting your short stories to agents and publishers, as well as a final session with peer and tutor feedback.

By the end of the course you will have

– Learned techniques for self-editing short fiction

– Been given advice on pulling together a short story collection

– Have first-hand advice and insight from an agented short fiction writer

– Benefited from structured, peer-driven feedback and personalised tuition

The ticket includes 4 sessions, detailed feedback, and publication in a short story e-book anthology.