IWD 2022: Reading Erika Martínez

  • DATE

    8 March 2022

  • TIME

    6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

  • AGES

    All ages welcome



Online session to read the poetry of Spanish writer Erika Martínez with Professor Diana Cullell

Instituto Cervantes Manchester and Leeds Poetry’s Club presents in May the Spanish female poet Erika Martínez. She is the author of collections of poems such as Color carne (2009), winner of the Premio de Poesía Joven RNE; El falso techo (2013), and Chocar con algo (2018). She has been translated into English in the anthology Ten contemporary Spanish women poets (Shearman books, 2019). In this session, we will read and reflect on her poetry, led by Diana Cullell, professor at the University of Liverpool.

Diana Cullell is a Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Liverpool and a specialist in Spanish and Catalan literature and culture. She has published on different authors and literary movements, with an interest in new forms of poetry and its new interpretations; contemporary Spanish and Catalan poetry; representations of the body in literature or the Spanish poetry market from 1980 to the present. His publications include La perfopoesía española en el siglo XXI: una revolución poética (Madrid: Amargord, 2019); Spanish Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology(Manchester University Press, 2014); or La Poesía de la Experiencia Española de Finales del Siglo XX al XXI (Madrid: Devenir, 2010).