Rise! Workshop 2: Finding Your Voice with Sharena Lee Satti

  • DATE

    21 February 2021

  • TIME

    2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

  • AGES

    All ages 13+



Rise! Spoken Word at The Bureau is an exciting new programme of poetry events and workshops (currently hosted on Zoom), including opportunities to hear amazing and inspiring spoken word artists, take part in workshops, and share your own poetry.

Rise! Spoken Word at The Bureau workshop 2
Finding Your Voice with Sharena Lee Satti.

See below for full details.

Sunday 21st February 2021 2-4pm with Zoom open from 1.45pm

**You will be emailed the Zoom link at least two hours before the event starts**

Finding Your Voice: The Power of Words

We have welcomed a New Year and overcome such a difficult one together
Join me for this creative poetry workshop:
I want us to take this time
This space
To create
A piece of poetry
Releasing what is inside

Let’s connect to ourselves to our feelings to start the healing
Just like leaves that fall seasonally we need to allow what needs to leave us too

The workshop is open to everyone, with an open mind and willing to try something that may be new to you. Listen to Sharena Lee Satti share some of her work and her creative process in this online space, a safe welcoming space for anyone who wishes to join.

Poetry is a great way to support our wellbeing and to uplift our mood and improve our health through this self-healing cathartic process of creating writing.